The Effect of Access Bars on Anxiety & Depression - The Float Space
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Althea  is a Psychological and Spiritual Healing innitiative . 

There are numerous healing modalities practiced worldwide, each with its own unique approach and benefits. Here are some world-class healing modalities which we are intoducing  after studying your complte astrology and numerlogy chart along with best Psychological tesnting facilities . 

Psycho-spiritual refers to the integration of psychological and spiritual aspects of human experience. It acknowledges the interconnectedness between mental health and spiritual well-being. This concept suggests that mental and emotional health can be influenced by spiritual beliefs, practices, and experiences, and vice versa.

In psycho-spiritual approaches, therapists or practitioners may work with individuals to explore not only their psychological issues but also their spiritual beliefs, values, and experiences. This could involve practices such as mindfulness, meditation, prayer, or exploration of existential questions and meaning in life.

Psycho-spiritual perspectives often recognize the importance of addressing both the psychological and spiritual dimensions of a person's life to promote holistic well-being and personal growth. They may draw from various traditions, including psychology, philosophy, and spirituality, to help individuals navigate their inner lives and find greater harmony and fulfillment.

Our Services

Access Concious Bars

This Definition at the beginning

Psychometric Testings

Couple Counseling

Pre Marital Counseling

Career Guidance

De Addiction treatment

Child Guidance and Parental Counseling


Astrological Chart Reading

Karmic Dept

Medical Astrology

Kundali Milan or Match Making

Numerology Services

Name Numerology

Lo Shu Grid

Video Gallery

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